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Helpline 0800 999 1899


We are very grateful for all donations, large or small that enable us to continue our work in supporting TN sufferers and educating Healthcare Professionals in recognising and treating this condition.

Donate online
Donations can be made using your debit card or any major credit card. You will be directed to a secure payment gateway where you can pay by whichever means you choose, including PayPal.  (Please note that you do not need a Paypal account to donate by this method)  Items marked * are required

GIFT AID: If you are a UK taxpayer, TNA UK can claim an extra 25p of tax on every £1 you give, at no additional cost so please complete and return this form: GAD Form -2019

Thank you!

  • Send a cheque payable to TNA UK to the office address: PO Box 10973 Nottingham NG16 9GN
  • By calling the office telephone number: 0800 999 1899 and payments can be made using a debit/credit card.
  • Setting up a standing order payment – please email for the relevant form or call 0800 999 1899
  • Legacy Giving – to request a leaflet please email or call 0800 999 1899
  • By using – please see
  • Payroll Giving – Payroll Giving, Workplace Giving or Give As You Earn (GAYE) is a tax free way for a UK taxpayer to donate to any UK Registered Charity. It is a simple, tax efficient scheme which allows employees to give money to a charity of their choice by having a deduction taken straight from their gross pay. (There is no tax for the charity to claim back, as no tax was deducted).  Some companies also have put in place a matching gift programme to match or part match their employee donations via Payroll Giving – please check with your employer if such a scheme is in place at your workplace. Further information can be found on the Charities Aid Foundation website: