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Winter Fuel Allowance

Winter Fuel Allowance Cut

 My  Concerns for Vulnerable Pensioners

In a controversial move, the UK government has announced the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance for pensioners who do not receive pension credit or other means-tested benefits. Chancellor Rachel Reeves revealed this decision, which has ignited a wave of concern and criticism. The potential impact on vulnerable pensioners and individuals suffering from trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is particularly alarming.

Impact of Winter Fuel Allowance Cuts

The winter fuel allowance, currently up to £300, has been a crucial lifeline for many pensioners. It helps them cope with the high costs of heating during the cold months. The loss of this support may push many elderly individuals into dire financial straits, forcing them to choose between heating their homes and affording essential items like food.

Concerns from the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association

As CEO of the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association (TNA), I am deeply concerned about this policy shift. Trigeminal neuralgia is a condition characterised by excruciating facial pain, often triggered by cold weather. For our members, the winter fuel allowance is not just financial aid; it is a necessity to manage their health and well-being. The allowance ensures that homes remain warm, reducing the risk of painful TN attacks.

Personal Testimony from a TNA Member

Yesterday, Joan, one of our members, expressed her distress. “I was scared to put my heating on because of the growing cost of heating bills. I am not entitled to pension credit, and receiving the winter fuel allowance helped me stay alive. As someone with TN, the cold is a massive trigger, and I am terrified that without this support, I will suffer unbearable pain in my own home,” she shared.

This is heartbreaking. Joan is not alone in her fear and distress. Many in our community endure immense suffering due to TN. The prospect of facing the cold without adequate support is terrifying. This decision needs urgent reconsideration to prevent further hardship for those already struggling.

How to Claim Pension Credit

Claiming pension credit.  It is essential for those who qualify to apply. Pension credit guarantees a minimum weekly income of £218.15 for single pensioners and £332.95 for couples. In addition to the guaranteed income, claiming pension credit opens the door to various other benefits, including help with housing costs, council tax, and heating bills.

Steps to Check Eligibility and Apply:

  1. Online Pension Credit Calculator: The government provides an online pension credit calculator. This tool allows you to input your financial details and see if you qualify for pension credit.
  2. Applying Online: If you are eligible, you can apply for pension credit online. The application form is accessible through the government’s pension credit webpage.
  3. Telephone Application: Alternatively, you can apply by phone. The Pension Credit claim line is available at 0800 99 1234. An adviser will guide you through the application process.
  4. Paper Form: For those who prefer, a paper application form can be downloaded from the government website, printed, and completed manually. The completed form can then be posted to the Pension Service.

Misconceptions About Pension Credit

Many pensioners mistakenly believe they are not eligible for pension credit, particularly if they have some savings or own their home. However, eligibility criteria are broader than often assumed. It is worth checking even if you think you might not qualify. The perceived stigma attached to claiming benefits should not deter anyone from applying. Pension credit can be a real lifeline, especially in tough times.

Government’s Justification

Chancellor Reeves justified the decision to cut the winter fuel allowance as a necessary measure to address a £22bn deficit in public finances. “These are difficult decisions that I did not wish to make, but they are essential to restore economic stability,” she stated.

Call to Action

However, this rationale offers little comfort to those facing a harsh winter without adequate support. As the weather deteriorates in the coming months, the struggle for warmth and financial stability will intensify for many elderly citizens. The call for a reconsideration of this policy is growing louder. Advocates urge the government to ensure that the most vulnerable, including those in severe pain, receive the help they desperately need. This is not about politics. It is about ensuring that pensioners can put the heating on – a lifeline that is vital for their survival and well-being.


This policy needs to be rethought as our community, which has already endured so much, now has to contend with this additional burden. I urge the government to reconsider this decision and restore the winter fuel allowance to protect our most vulnerable members from the harsh realities of winter.

Aneeta Prem
CEO, Trigeminal Neuralgia Association


To apply by post, print out and fill in the Pension Credit claim form or call the claim line to request a form.

Send the claim form to the Pension Service, or ask someone to do it for you.

Freepost DWP Pensions Service 3

Do not write anything except the free address on the envelope. You do not need a postcode or a stamp.

Contact a voluntary organisation like Citizens Advice or Age UK if you need help with the form

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