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TN Friendly Green Boost Smoothie

This nutrient-dense drink is designed to be easily consumed without chewing and is potentially beneficial for those with TN:

Nutritional Support for  Trigeminal Neuralgia

As part of our ongoing efforts to support our members, we have been exploring practical approaches to nutrition for those experiencing TN flare-ups. We understand that during painful episodes, even the act of chewing can be excruciating, making it challenging to maintain proper nutrition.

Many of our members report that solid foods can trigger or exacerbate TN pain, leading to a significant reduction in food intake during flare-ups. This can result in inadequate nutrition, potentially impacting overall health and the body’s ability to manage pain.

To address this, we have developed a recipe for a TN-Friendly Green Boost Smoothie. This nutrient-dense drink is designed to be easily consumed without chewing and is potentially beneficial for those with TN:


•       1 ripe banana
•       1 handful of baby spinach
•       1/4 ripe avocado
•       1 tablespoon ground flaxseed
•       250ml fortified plant milk (e.g., almond or soya) or dairy milk
•       75g blueberries
•       Optional: 1 tablespoon almond butter

Simply blend all ingredients until smooth, adjusting consistency with additional milk if needed Nutritional Support for  Trigeminal Neuralgia

The smooth texture eliminates the need for chewing, making it suitable for those experiencing severe oral pain. Each ingredient has been chosen for its potential benefits:

•       Spinach and blueberries offer anti-inflammatory properties.
•       Fortified plant milk or dairy milk provides vitamin B12, which some studies suggest may aid in managing nerve pain.
•       Bananas and spinach are rich in magnesium, important for nerve function.
•       Flaxseed offers plant-based omega-3 fatty acids, linked to nerve health and reduced inflammation in some studies.

Given that cold foods can trigger TN pain, ensure the smoothie is at room temperature before consuming. For members who experience sensitivity to certain textures, the smoothie can be further strained to achieve an even smoother consistency.

We also recommend exploring other soft, nutrient-rich foods that require minimal chewing, such as:

•       Well-cooked, pureed soups
•       Mashed avocado
•       Soft, scrambled eggs
•       Greek yoghurt (if dairy is tolerated)
•       Hummus

Remember, it is crucial to maintain adequate hydration, especially when solid food intake is limited. Sipping room temperature water or herbal teas throughout the day can help.

Disclaimer: This nutritional advice is not a cure for TN nor a replacement for medical treatment. Always consult your healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, as individual triggers and tolerances can vary greatly among TN sufferers. This nutrient-dense drink is designed to be easily consumed without chewing and is potentially beneficial for those with TN: A guide to smoothies

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