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CEO Messages

Life Insurance and Trigeminal Neuralgia: Overcoming Barriers in the UK Insurance Market By Aneeta Prem Introduction Thank you to everyone who has reached out to our helpline with questions and […]

Winter Fuel Allowance Cut My Concerns for Vulnerable Pensioners In a controversial move, the UK government has announced the scrapping of the winter fuel allowance for pensioners who do not […]

Children and Trigeminal Neuralgia I wanted to share the remarkable story of Grace, the 11-year-old girl diagnosed with TN. Grace’s Journey It’s very rare for young children to be diagnosed […]

The Risks of Inconsistent Medication Supply “Pharmacy bingo,” where patients must visit multiple pharmacies to find their medication, starkly illustrates the severity of the risks of inconsistent medication supply. Community […]

Understanding Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) “The Excruciating Reality of Facial Pain” What Is Trigeminal Neuralgia? Trigeminal Neuralgia is acknowledged by medical professionals as one of the most severe pain syndromes known […]

I hope this Easter message finds you, our Member and Friends, well. Our recent webinar with Dr. Mark Weatherall on the history of trigeminal neuralgia has sparked engaging discussions and […]

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