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We are the Trigeminal Neuralgia Association UK (TNA UK). We provide information, support and encouragement to those who suffer this excruciatingly painful condition. Our aim is to raise awareness of TN within the medical community and the general public at large.


TRIGEMINAL NEURALGIA is an extremely severe unilateral episodic facial pain that tends to come and go unpredictably in sudden shock-like attacks.

As a registered charity, TNA UK is entirely dependent on donations and annual membership fees in order to continue its work.

Your help and support through donations and membership means we can carry on supporting people with TN

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world oral health day

World Oral Health Day

World Oral Health Day: A Unique Opportunity to Raise Awareness About Trigeminal Neuralgia and Oral Health By Aneeta Prem World Oral Health Day (WOHD), observed annually on March 20, is […]

Words from our ceo

World Oral Health Day: Why Oral Health Matters for People Living with Trigeminal Neuralgia and Facial Pain By Aneeta Prem, CEO of TNA UK Today is World Oral Health Day […]